Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hard Day... but worth it!

Today was the day Holden was having surgery to get tubes. I started out the day with knots in my stomach. I woke up at 7am because I was so nervous. I went to wake Holden around 8:30. He was peacefully sleeping.

We went to the hospital, registered, and got a room. Poor baby had no idea what was to come.. He was just chillin' while watching Dora.

After a while they took us to the OR holding area. Here they gave Holden some medicine to calm his nerves and make him drowsy. Soon after he started acting drunk. It was so crazy.

Then they took him. It was so hard watching them wheel him off. We went to the cafeteria to try to pass some time. The doctor had told us it would take approx. 30 minutes. After the cafeteria, we went to the waiting room. The wait was so incredibly difficult. Soon 30 minutes came and went. Then 35... then 40... by the time it had been 45 minutes I was getting so anxious. I kept thinking 'something must of gone wrong'. Finally Holden's doctor came into the waiting room. He said the surgery went GREAT! A flood of relief rushed over me. He said the hearing test they performed while he was still asleep showed that his hearing was perfectly normal. I asked him how much fluid was in his ears and he said a lot. It really made me feel like we made the right decision. He said he could tell the fluid hadn't been sitting in the ears because there wasn't any mucuous, but that it probably came and went.

The most difficult part is, exactly what everyone told me would be, seeing him afterwards. We met him in the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit). When we walked in, I immediately saw him behind the first curtain. I ran over there and saw that he had been crying. The nurse said he had just woke up. He was very upset. He looked flushed. He cried for about 20 minutes straight. It was heartbreaking. Normally if he's upset I can hold him my arms and he is better. Not this time. He got so upset, at one point, that he ripped out everything he was connected to (the iv, arm cuff, pulse ox.) After a while the nurse brought a t.v. and we watched Toy Story. She also gave him a popsicle. These things helped TREMENDOUSLY.

He had to be observed for about 1 1/2 hours or so. With the exception of the first 20 minutes after surgery, he has been in a GREAT mood.

I am very relieved to have this day behind us. Hopefully this surgery will greatly improve his speech!


Corey~living and loving said...

Girlfriend....I am not lying here...I am so teary. I am so glad your day is over. I am glad that all is well. Lots of hugs to you!

Sara@Sarandipity said...

I'm so glad everything went well. Sorry that it was so hard on all of you, but hopefully, it will make a world of difference for him and his speech. Hugs!

Lori said...

Poor sweetie! I'm so glad that everything went well.

MommyOfThree said...

More hugs !!
I am so glad everything went well, you both did great.

Jules said...

Awww...poor little guy! :( And poor Mommy.

Oddly enough, my very first memory is having surgery to have the tubes put in. I was older though, closer to 3. I remember looking through the window as I was being wheeled into the room and seeing my dad and mom outside the door, and my mom crying. I don't remember anything else though.

My mom said it helped me SO much afterwards, so I am hoping the same for you guys. Big hugs! Glad the day is over.